Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How To Make A Pond In Your Backyard

As the weather begins to warm, the family is drawn into the garden. At first it is to clean up after the long winter hibernation, and to prepare the yard for the warmth and joy of summer. Then it will be time for barbecues with the family, picnics and garden parties that are popular throughout the warmer months.

If you are looking for something new to enhance your garden, consider building a garden pond. If you don't know how to make a pond you will soon discover that with a little planning and preparation, you can create a garden pond in as little time as one weekend. This simple addition can take your garden from ordinary to extraordinary in a short space of time.

Backyard Ponds Offer Tranquility, Peace and Beauty

The sound of running water is known for its soothing qualities and its ability to refresh and to calm the soul. Close your eyes and imagine the sounds of a running stream, as you sit on the bank with your toes being tickled by the water as it rushes by; you are surrounded by the sounds of nature and the water as it flows past. This is an image of tranquility and peacefulness that is stimulated by the familiarity of the sounds of the water. Making a pond in your own backyard can bring this serenity into your everyday life.

Deciding On The Location Of Your Garden Pond

When you are planning the location for your new pond, try to choose a place that will not be subject to too many falling leaves or one that is too low lying. If you have a long garden you may choose a location at the end of a winding path to draw people through the garden to the sound of a waterfall. In a more urban environment you may situate your pond close to the house so that you can enjoy the water sounds from inside the house.

You Might Not Be The Only One To Enjoy Your New Garden Pond Design

In addition to the calming effects that your garden pond will provide, the wonders of nature may also be yours for the viewing. A well-designed garden pond will not only provide an oasis for the human members of the family but animals may also enjoy it. Don't be surprised if your new garden pond attracts frogs, song birds, turtles and other amphibians. It can also be a beautiful idea to add ornamental koi or goldfish to your the pond. The brilliantly colored fish in the colors of gold, yellow, black and white are a breathtaking contrast to the deep greens of the aquatic plant life and the dark water of the pond.

Beautify Your Yard Using Flower Gardening

Rose Gardening Tips

Making your home more attractive and raise the value requires some amount of beautification, and flower gardening can help many homes with this need. With so many types of flowers out there, the choices are abundant so much so that you can change a flower garden every year or even month if necessary. Furthermore, flower gardening is a means to achieve a green garden, making use of products that are organic and eliminate the use of pesticides and fertilizers that maybe harmful to both humans and the environment.

The first choice in flower gardening is what types of flowers to plant, since that will determine where the garden should be located.  If there is only one option for where the flower garden can be placed, then the plants chosen for the garden should be based on how much sunlight is available in the garden and what the overall climate is where the person lives.  That way the flower garden will be more likely to be successful, and the gardener will not get frustrated with plants that will not grow or that die after a short amount of time.

Roses Are Great

So many people love the idea of having a rose flower garden, however they tend to be afraid to do so due certain reasons such as hearing that roses are temperamental flowers and can be very difficult to grow and manage. This is not entirely true as there are a number of tips that you can use to successfully grow your own rose flower garden in pretty much any climate.

The first tip was mentioned above – choose the flowers according to the climate.  Roses are tougher than they look and were found naturally in every climate.  The trick to planting a rose garden is to choose the types of roses that enjoy the type of weather the person lives in.  Also, roses enjoy sunlight, so a flower garden composed of roses should be placed where they can get direct sunlight.

When planting rose bushes in a flower garden, they should be planted apart from one another so that they can get air between the different plants.  They also should be pruned regularly so that the bushes do not get too thick where they cannot get air within the branches of the plant.  Roses also like to be watered regularly, but not in the way other flowers are usually watered.  Roses need to be watered at the roots so that they can more readily absorb the water.

By following the instructions in this article, you will eventually end up with a beautiful rose garden in full bloom. Remember to keep the roses well fertilized using the healthy mulch from compost as this will help them grow well and stay healthy.

Monday, December 29, 2008

3 Qualities That Will Make Your Garden Party Gazebo Stand Out

A garden party gazebo is like any other gazebo that you might want to put in your garden with a few features integrated in to it for the convenience of having party. While there are some garden party gazebos that are temporary and can be put up and taken down on a whim, there are also some that homeowners have put up to be permanent fixtures in their gardens. Some garden party gazebos are made to be easy to put up with metal rods and tarpaulin, pretty much like a tent. Coleman garden gazebo choices are varied and lightweight as well as easy to put up and dismantle.

Electricity and Water

There should always be an easy access to an electrical outlet of some source for the garden party gazebo for which to plug in electric grills,stereos and other appliances that you might need during a party. Having this readily available and nearby is especially beneficial if the gazebo is located a long distance from the main house. Whatever is needed can just be brought out of the house and used during the garden party in the Gazebo. This is an extra nice convenience and lends well to the parties success, especially if the party is going to keep going after dark.Always be safety conscious when dealing with wires at all times.If you are not sure of wiring or if there are bare wires somewhere if you don't know for sure always assume they are hot. Make sure that the wiring is done professionally unless you are just stringing electrical chords.

As well as the electrical issue you also have the issue of water to consider. Where is it going to come from. It definitely is a necessity so you must plan that out and find a good location for it. You don't want to find yourself and you guests having to carry water out. If the garden gazebo that you have is a simple set up and take down unit. Make a designated place for it and set up the needed utilities right there at hand so they will always be there when you need them.


Another important feature to your garden gazebo is flooring. If you gazebo is a temporary one it would be nice if you had a concrete slab in the place where you put the gazebo so that you have the comfort of a hard flat surface to walk on and not the uncertain and uneven ground that can cause tripping. If you have a permanent structure having steps leading up to it is a really great benefit in keeping the water out of the structure while it is raining. If the structure is just a temporary one obviously steps are not a necessity but they would be an advantage just the same.

These features make the use of a garden party gazebo more convenient and help in making the garden party more successful. All things considered with these add ons you would not ever have to worry about you garden party going sour.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

How To Look For Free Landscaping Ideas

Free landscaping ideas is one of many ways that can help make your home sweet home beautiful. There must have been a time when you visited your friend or relative's house and you adored the way they landscaped their home. You may be interested on steep hill landscaping when you go to your friend's house. There must have been a time as well when you would want to landscape your home like theirs. Instead of searching out free landscaping ideas, you decide to buy the materials you think you will need and then get to work. But unfortunately you wind up making more of a mess than anything else. Then you can be convinced that landscaping is unthinkable. For instance, you want to know about making nice fence then your friend will show you a book of privacy fence landscaping idea. However, there is a possibility that they, in fact, utilize free landscaping ideas.

There is one thing you should remember when looking for landscape design ideas. If you do not take the time to find out free landscaping ideas from the very people that you admire, then you are just doing yourself a disservice. This is very possible that they did their landscaping themselves. Since they are more than likely very proud of their work, they would be more than glad to give you free landscaping ideas. There is a possibility to have a similar landscaping through this ideas. It is possible that more than just basic free landscaping ideas to re-make what they have. They may also give you advice on how to make the processes yourself. Therefore, it is very possible for you to use your own free landscaping ideas to create your own beautiful landscaping.

You'll never know how much information you can have if you would just ask. One example, you can visit your local home improvement store. This is another great place to find free landscaping. You can absolutely ask the garden landscaping experts at your local home improvement store if you are planning a project and need advice about landscaping with stone techniques. They would be more than happy to help you get the results you are looking for at your affordable budget.

Don't Forget To Invest in A Book Of Landscaping

You can also find have a vast array of books on how to landscape your yard at your local home improvement store. Although these are not exactly free landscaping ideas, they are certainly great ideas as well as good advice that will last you a life time. You will also have the materials to reference whenever you want. They enable you to make the landscaping effects whenever you want. There are a lot of great books on landscaping that you can get in your public library. You can use these sources of free landscaping ideas whenever you want. In addition, you can make the landscaping around your home that you have always dreamed about. You will be so grateful for those free landscaping ideas.

To have more information about landscaping, see


Friday, December 26, 2008

Taking Care Of Your Indoor Tropical Plants

Plants are commonly found in homes across North America and Europe. With an endless variety of types available for purchase, there is a variety for everyone. Unlike many things, adding the living touch of a plant to your home or office can be very inexpensive, with little to no cost to keep. As water, fertilizer and the sun are the only requirements for a plant's survival, it comes as no surprise that many people have tried to grow plants.

Because so many have wilted plants they have attempted to care for, most people are convinced they have black thumbs. This common issue stems from a lack of knowledge of what a plant requires in order to thrive. With a few minor changes to how you tend to your plants should alter that black thumb into a green one.

The first step in tending to plants is to learn how much you need to feed your plant. Over and under watering plants is the leading cause of death in plants. This is something that is very easy to correct. All you need to do is find a resource on your plant, and discover how they are watered. Some plants like to always remain damp. In this situation, you should water your plant frequently, but in low amounts. Some plants like to be soaked in water and then have their soil dry out. There are some varieties of plants that only like to be watered very infrequently! By altering how you feed your plant, you should be able to extend the plant's lifespan by a wide margin.

The second most common cause of death in indoor tropical plants is too much or too little light. Sunlight is needed by plants to be able to photosynthesize. Photosynthesis, combined with the nutrients of water and dirt, is how a plant lives. If you provide a plant with too much sun, the leaves will be burnt. Damaged leaves are unable to photosynthesize properly, which ends in their death. Starvation occurs when a plant is not given enough sun.

Once you have addressed water and light, the next aspect that you should look at is your plant's soil. Without proper soil, your plant cannot thrive. By fertilizing the dirt, you can make sure the roots of your plant has access to all things required to make sure your plant living and well.

If you are still having problems keeping your plants alive, you should look for other reasons that your plant is dying. Check the type of water that you are using to feed your plants. While bottled water, for example, is good for people, it is not necessarily good for plants. Bottled water tends to lack the mineral content of tap or rain water. Another common cause of plant death is the presence of pets or children. Pets and children can harm the leaves, which can result in plant fatality.

Even if you have always believed you have a black thumb, it is not impossible to learn how to keep indoor tropical plants alive!


More ideas on outdoor decoration can be found here Plant Encyclopedia also visit Common Plant Names

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Gathering Data On The Plant Life Cycle

When researching indoor and outdoor plants, researching their life cycle is needed. A plant life cycle diagram can assist you in learning when your species may bloom, when you can breed your specimen, and when a few types of specimens should be watered or dried out. By researching the life cycle of your specimen, you can ensure its longevity. In the case of exotic or pricey plants, this can help to safeguard your investment.

A good plant life cycle diagram will include a few aspects. First, it will contain all stages of a plant's life, from the creation of the seed to death. If the plant life cycle diagram is lacking any phase of the growth of the plant you are researching, your chances of properly tending for or breeding your specimen will be greatly diminished.

The most basic stages of a plant's life cycle are the seeds phase, germination phase, the seedling stage, the vegetative phase, the flowering phase and the pollination phasee and death. Depending on the type of plant that you are researching, this cycle may vary.

Because of what a plant life cycle diagram displays, many diagrams are not linear. Expect a web chart that shows how seeds are produced within the middle of the life span of a species. As seeds are created during the flowering or pollination stage of the plant's life cycle, you should be able to see when the plant seeds. This is particularly vital for those intending to breed plants such as mints. Cycles will be different depending on the reproductive cycle of the specimen. As many species can produce offspring through duplication or seeding, not every plant life cycle diagram will be equal. As a rule, the more rare or exotic a plant is, the more detailed its diagram will be to show the full cycle of the species.

If you are planning to breed your specimens, you will want to keep the relevant information nearby. Your main focus in the plant life cycle diagram will be on the pollination, flowering and seeding of your type of specimen. All aspects of this, ranging from required watering changes, temperature changes and condition changes to promote reproduction is the most important.

For those who are just tending plants, you should know of the reproductive cycle of your plant, as their care tends to change during this phase of their life. If you are properly caring for your species, the reproductive cycle of your specimen will be extended. This usually results in longer and more frequent flowering periods.


To get more info on landscaping and plants go to Desert Landscaping Plants and visit Transplanting Plants

Monday, December 15, 2008

Know The Life Cycle of The Bean Plant

The life cycle of the bean plant is needed for those who are considering sprouting or harvesting beans for eating. As beans are a low-cost food source, several people who are interested in healthy living have made use of their time and effort in the tending of beans.

A good way to get a full look of the life cycle of the bean plant is through a picture displaying all stages of life. For those who are interested in sprouting, you will already own the seeds, so the germination and seedling stage is what you should focus on. For those who are harvesting fully grown beans for food, the entire cycle is needed. When you harvest beans, you will be viewing the species through to nearly the end of its life cycle.

The seed is the beginning of the life cycle of the bean plant. The seed is generated after the successful reproduction of the specimen. If your species has successfully bred, the seed will be viable and sprout upon addition of water. The time between exposure to water and sprouting is dependent on the type of bean. However, many beans sprout within three or four days. There is a short frame of time where the sprouts can be eaten in salads. Bean sprouts are commonly used in salads, as well chinese dishes such as chow mein.

Tending to a bean in order to eat it as a sprout is done differently than growing beans for eating after they have turned to proper beans. Bean sprouting is usually done in buckets or containers specifically designed for that process. As you do not want contaminants on your sprouts, and sprouts do not require dirt to thrive, this is a much more clean method of growing your sprouts. This is why data on the life cycle of the bean plant is so vital. Without it, you will not have the data when your sprouts will be ready. Once they have grown into proper seedlings, the sprouts are no longer desired for food, and your effort will have been wasted.

Tending to beans for the complete plant requires an indoor or outdoor garden, space, and consistent access to water. Due to the height of bean plants, it is recommended that they are grown outdoors. Unlike sprouting which can be done year round indoors, you will be limited to the regular growing seasons of beans. This makes having access to the life cycle of the bean plant irreplaceable, as a correct cycle will also have at what times of year beans are best grown.


Find more information on patio go to Transplanting Flowers and visit here Outdoor Landscaping Ideas

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Skill Of Identifying House Plants

There are a few methods that you can use in identifying house plants. As quite a few plants are not labeled properly in stores upon purchase, having the skills to identify them on your own will permit you to be able to take the best care of your plants possible. If you've inherited plants, having the ability to identify your house plants will also be of a lot of use to you.

There are several key aspects involved with identifying house plants. A good eye for detail is only the start. The variations between one breed of house plant from another may be something as simple as the number of veins within each leaf, how many leaves it has in total, or slight color differences. Don't be timid about taking your time when identifying house plants. Thorough examination will help you make a positive identification. While the two varying types of plants may only have a few small physical differences, their care may still differ.

Once you have adjusted to taking the needed care for detail, you will need access to information. When identifying house plants, having data to reference or photographs to compare against is needed in order to ensure you have made a proper identification. Knowledge plays a vital part when you are uncertain of what species of plant that you possess.

Once you have gathered the research you need, and you have carefully scrutinized the plant, you need to remember that identifying house plants is not an accurate science. The health of your plant may deceive you into thinking the plant you have is actually something else. A sick plant may not have all of its leaves, which would hinder your ability to judge what species of plant that you have. It is always best to make an identification only after you have restored the plant to good health.

A benefit to identifying house plants is the skill to identify what is not a house plant. It is not uncommon for blooming, yet poisonous plants, to be brought into a household. If you find that this is the case, the plant should be destroyed or donated to prevent it causing ill health to your family. Toxic plants should not be burned, as the fumes can be deadly.

By positively identifying house plants, you will have the skills to make certain of their care, defend against becoming ill from toxic plants, and identify when you have bought an exotic or uncommon house plant. This skill is also useful when you are planning on breeding plants, as it permits you to judge when a type is ready to be bred, and having compatible plants to breed it against.

More information on outdoor landscaping and plants can be found here Identifying House Plants and visit Herbal Medicine Plants

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Catagorize Your Plants Using a Plant Encyclopedia

Caring for plants deals with more than simply fertilizing, hydrating and tending to them. Investing in a plant encyclopedia gives you an valuable resource that will guarantee that you have the know-how you need to keep a broad range of plants alive, ranging from medicinal herbs, common flowers and rare plants.

A good plant encyclopedia categorizes information on each type of plant it documents. Commonly overlooked is the aspect of how the plants are named. Location dependent, a plant may have several different names. A good encyclopedia will provide the most common names for each plant, so you can use that book to purchase your plants as seeds from the internet, and ensure that you are buying the correct type of plant.

In addition to that, the plant encyclopedia should have tending information for every plant A good plant encyclopedia include legends showing the grow zones of plants, the temperature ranges that they survive in, and how the plants react to changes in the temperature. Hydrating data, required exposure to light, tolerance, scale of hardiness, as well as challenge level of keeping should also be included. This is all data that is needed to ensure the long life of your plants.

Referencing a plant encyclopedia will not be enough to guarantee the longevity of your plant. Knowing how to use the information once you have it is key. Many people use these plant encyclopedias after they have acquired the plant. However, their proper usage is in referencing before you buy. Some species of plants, like uncommon varieties orchids, that are only suitable for those who are who are willing to tolerate and tend to fickle plants prone to wilting.

Some data that is useful in a plant encyclopedia is the history and breeding aspects of the plants. As there are quite a few hobbyists interested in the breeding of plants, as well as the possible creationand the discovery of new types, having this information at your fingertips is particularly valuable. If you are interested in cross-breeding, the resources that cover this data should include information on what types of plants can be bred against your plant, and the process of breeding.

In the case of medicinal plants, a plant encyclopedia should include how they are used, information on the safe use of the herbs, and any possible dangers that may be associated with improper usage of the herb. If there are plants that are poisonous listed in the plant encyclopedia, data on the toxicity of the plant should be referenced.


More information on outdoor landscaping and plants can be found here Identifying House Plants and visit Herbal Medicine Plants

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Learning Flowering Plant Identification

Of all plant species, flowering plant identification is among the easiest. As you have the ability to view the plant's leaves as well as the flowers it has, you have a much greater chance of making a positive identification than if it is a plant that does not flower. This is due to having another aspect to compare against when you are researching and learning about the plant.

As there are some types of plants that have very similar aspects, differing only in the number of leaves, the number of veins in the leaf, or the size of the specimen itself, closely examining the flowers can make the difference between uncertainty and confirmation. However, flowering plant identification should be done while the flowers are present, which restricts the timetable that you can make a correct identification.

A positive flowering plant identification can be made only once the plant has begun to bloom. This is best done well after enough of the specimen has bloomed to flowers, though you should take the extra effort to inspect the buds as well, as this data will assist in identification.

A good eye for detail is needed when working on flowering plant identification. Just because you have the aid of the blooms to help in your identification, it does not mean that it will be a easy task. In several cases, some unusual or exotic breeds of plants differ just enough to be misjudged for a common household plant. However, these plants have different upkeep requirements than their similar relatives. If you think you have bought a rare or exotic plant, proper identification is required. In the case of a few exotics, a confirmed flowering plant identification may allow you to breed the plant, which has multiple benefits.

If you are planning to perform a flowering plant identification, there are several tools that you should keep nearby. You will want a plant encyclopedia to confirm the physical aspects of the plant as well as research what the care requirements of the plant are. In addition to this, you should keep life cycle diagrams readily available. As many plants change during their reproductive cycle, this will give you clues on the identification of your plant. Finally, if you are having difficulties identifying your plants, you should keep a notebook on hand to take any notes for later reference. All of these things combined should allow you to properly label the flowering plants that you possess.


To get more info on landscaping and plants go to Desert Landscaping Plants and visit Transplanting Plants

Herbal Medicine Plants

Herbal medicine plants can provide a safe, healthy way to treat various aliments and diseases for those who do not trust the pharmaceutical business. However, there are some things that you should keep in mind before you invest in these herbs and use them. Herbal medicine plants, just like products from pharmaceuticals, are drugs that should be treated with care and respect. While they are more natural than the processed drugs you can buy in the drug stores, they still share a lot of the compounds found in prescription medications.

Many plants, such as basil, are simple herbal medicine plants to care for, and can be used for medicinal purposes as well as for cooking. This can transform your garden into a multipurpose venture, allowing you to make the most out of the plants you keep.

When you are deciding which herbal medicine plants to grow, there are several things that you should keep in mind. First, you should label each plant, so there is no mistaking what the plant is in your garden. There are many useful herbs that do have toxic components, so this is very important. If the plant may have toxic components, these should be labeled and kept out of the reach of children.

In addition to this, you should keep careful data on how the herbal medicine plants should be processed for use. Most plants of this nature cannot simply have their leaves pulled from the plant and digested to get benefit from them. At the very least, you will need to dry the leaves or steep them as teas in order to release the medicinal properties of the plant.

In the case of some herbal medicine plants, the blossoms and fruit are what you will take and use for medicinal purposes. It is especially vital that you handle these types of plants with care, as these types of plants tend to be coupled with poisonous components.

There are multiple ailments and diseases that herbal medicine plants can help treat. Ranging from the common cold, negating pregnancy symptoms and treating more lethal ailments such as cancers, these herbs can help improve the quality of life. These herbs can also be used to promote healthier weights as well as assist your body's ability to digest food and rid itself of waste.

If you have any questions over the use of herbal medicine plants, please consult your pharmacist or local herbalist.

Get more ideas on landscaping and plants visit Indoor Tropical Plants and go to Desert Plants

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Knowing Common Plant Names

Knowing common plant names is key if you intend on planting a good indoor or outdoor garden. As many botanical shops deal with their seeds, seedlings and full grown plants by their common plant name, it is important that you can match common names with scientific names.

There are a few ways to match common plant names with their scientific names. Databases and plant encyclopedias are preferred, as most of these will supply images of the plants along with a list of all of their names. If you keep the seed packets when you buy your plants, they tend to name the scientific name with the local common plant name.

In most situations, the common plant name is the english translation of the latin version of the name. The latin is also known as scientific, as many scientific names are derived from ancient language.

Some common plant names for plants include Ammania, Bedstraw, Beggarticks, Buckwheat, Bursage, annual, Buttercup, Catnip, Cocklebur, Conzya, Crimson Monkeyflower, Cudweed, Dove Weed and Duckweed.

If you are interested in common plant names for flowering plants, some include african corn lily, african lily, alpine thistle, amaryllis, amazon lily, arum, baby's breath, balloon flower, barberton daisy, bee balm, bell flower, bells of Ireland, roses, tulips, .clover, gerber daisy and sunflower.

For those of you interested in trees, some common names include popular, oak, birch, coffee trees, rubber trees, lemon trees, orange trees, pear trees, apple, Japanese maple, juniper and ash. If you are researching trees in order to grow in your home or outside, you should know that trees have a much longer grow cycle than flowering plants. Some trees, such as fruit trees, are especially sensitive to their environment. Research should be done before you import any tree that has not already been introduced to the area.

If you live in a region that has poisonous plants, knowing their common plant names can prevent confusion if you or a loved one are exposed to them. Several common poisonous plants include poison ivy, poison oak, belladonna, night shade, alder buckthorn, yew, english ivy, foxglove, monk's hood, poison hemlock, poison sumac and pokeweed. If you suspect that you have been poisoned by any type of plant, you should obtain medical attention as soon as possible. Poisonous plants should not be kept as indoor plants unless precautions are taken to prevent poisoning. Some herbs can be poisonous if used improperly, so many references will list useful herbs, such as chives, garlic and cinnamon as poisons, due to improper usage.

Knowing the common names of plants isn't enough to make certain that you will be able to keep them in your indoor or outdoor garden. Researching the plants and ensuring that you live in the proper environment for the plants you desire is necessary if you want to make sure your plants have longevity.


For more information visit Aloe Vera Plant also go to Carnivorous Plants

Monday, December 8, 2008

Coca Plant

One of the commonly misunderstood plants commercially produced and harvested is the coca plant. Most commonly associated with being the species which cocaine is derived from, it has the stereotype of being a dangerous plant. However, the coca plant has many medicinal and safe uses, which have been used by herbalists since the plant's discovery.

South America, Africa, Ceylon, Taiwan, Indonesia and Formosa are the regions that the coca plant is most suited for growing. However, it is most commonly stereotyped for its presence in the Andes of South America, where the greatest volume of cocaine is created. The first discovered written source of the species was in 1783, but it was not classified until 1786, where it was given the name Erythroxylum coca. However, it is believed that the coca plant has been established as a domestic species for over 2,000 years. There is evidence within burial grounds of coca to lend credence this theory.

Diligence and effort is needed to care for the coca plant. The life of the coca plant starts as a fruit, which is picked when the drupes are almost ripe. These drupes are placed within a container and left to sit where the skin of the fruit becomes soft. Once this has occurred, the seeds are taken and the seeds are put outdoors to dry out.

Only once this happens, the seeds can be planted. It takes 24 days for the coca plant to germinate. Once the plant has grown 4 leaves, they are protected by a lattice covering for a year.

After the year has completed, the plants are transferred to preparation fields. This transportation can only occur within the rainy season. Three years after this transfer, some leaves may be harvested. Once the coca plant is able to be harvested, they are gathered three or four times a year. A fully established acre of coca plants can yield 1,500 to 2,000 pounds of leaf per year.

While coca plants are annual, a field will be replanted once every twenty years, as the quality of the plant diminishes over time.

As coca plants are so valuable, there are many steps taken to protect the crops from natural predators and disease. There are a few varieties of bugs that eat on the coca plants, as well as fungus that can cripple or kill the stalks, branches and leaves. Weeds can also be fatal to young coca plants, as the weeds take from the soil of the nutrients that the plants need for basic life.

The most common use of coca plants is in the popular soft drink, Coca-Cola.While this soda no longer contains cocaine, it is still created directly from the coca leaf.

Modern medicinal uses of coca include use as a bactericide, as spinal anesthetics and as treatments for diseases such as eczema and shingles.

Get more ideas on landscaping and plants visit Indoor Tropical Plants

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Carnivorous Plants

Carnivorous Plants Video

For those desiring a different gardening experience If you want something unique, carnivorous plants are bound to get attention. From the common Venus Flytrap to the Cobra plant, these exotics serve a few purposes. In areas that have high populations of pests, it lowers the number of flies or other insects that annoy you. While the benefit is strictly related to the size and species of carnivorous plants that you own, these plants can grant a small level of relief while providing entertainment to adults and children alike.

There are five different subsets of carnivorous plants. The most known type, the same family that the Venus Flytrap contains, is the snap trap family. Snap traps rely on a mouth that closes in around its pray, where the plant will eat anything it snares.

The second type are pitfall traps. These traps rely on food tumbling into the plant and being unable to escape. Unique in their triggers for survival, they need to undergo evolution often,, as liquid can gather in the pitchers of the plant in addition to the bugs that the plant eats. These plants range from beautiful to bland, and do not have hinged parts like their snap trap counterparts.

Flypaper traps are among some of the coolest carnivorous plants. These plants ooze out a glue which traps and devours insects for nourishment. These carnivorous plants should be treated with caution in the home, as the secretions can cause damage to the skin.

Bladder traps are a fascinating subset of carnivorous plants. These plants function through the osmosis of water to create a suction within the body of the plant. Once an insect or aquatic species has been trapped within, escape is difficult. Unlike many carnivorous plants, these are more commonly found underwater than above ground. Some species of bladder traps, such as the Bladderwort, lack roots, which make them a creative addition to any collection.

Last but not least, the lobster pot traps are among some of the most unusual appearing carnivorous plants that you can buy. These plants function by giving insects a simple way to enter, but little chance of escape. In the case of the corkscrew plant, the internal structure of the plant have downward pointing barriers and a y-shaped leaf form that stops the escape of its prey. The unusual shapes of lobster pot traps are directly related to their evolution to stop the escape of bugs.

For those wanting something even more different, in borderline species, there are a few types of plants that do not meet all of the requirements of carnivorous plants, but have similar characteristics. These plants include the Brocchinia Roridula and members of the Martyniaceae species. These species do not have one of the three required aspects, which is to attract, kill and digest prey, to be considered as a true carnivorous plant.

Carnivorous plants should be grown where young children and babies cannot touch them. While quite a few of them are relatively harmless to humans, eating one of these species should be avoided, due to the digestive enzymes that the plant uses to devour prey.

More ideas on landscaping and plants can be found here Coca Plant

Friday, December 5, 2008

Bean Plant Growth Cycle

Bean Plant Growth Video

For those wanting a garden, knowing the full cycle of bean plant growth can enable you to take full advantage of the bean growing season, optimizing the volume of crop you get for the effort that you put in. All types of beans, ranging from the black eyed pea to chick peas, are a healthy addition to any diet. High in protein, the bean is one of the founding parts in a vegetarian's diet, as well as an excellent side dish for those with a preference for meat.

For those tending a garden, the first stage of bean plant growth is the seed. High quality seeds have a much higher probability of the plant growing, which will result in a higher yield in your plot. While these seeds may cost more, the overall increase of bean plant growth is worth the effort, especially if you intend on having a larger garden.

To ensure plant health, planting should be done when the temperature drops no lower than 61 degrees F or 16 degrees C. If the temperature drops below this level, your plants will not germinate, and may die.

Once your seeds are planted, the time it takes for the plant to hit the seedling stage ranges from three to approximately forty days, with the average being eleven days. A seedling is a very young plant that has just started to break the surface of the dirt. This phase of the bean plant growth cycle is vital, as a healthy seedling will grow into a more productive plant. If your seedlings are starved or over watered, your crops will be unhealthy and the volume of beans gathered later in the cycle will be smaller.

From the point that your crop has matured into a seedling,it requires an average of at least fifty days for your crop to create pods and be ready for harvest. This means that there is realistically only one grow cycle for beans in a season. Planting of beans should occur no earlier than March to make certain that your crops have had adequate time to grow during the season before fall frosts strike. Frost can seriously harm bean plant growth, and work should be done to avoid this. In chillier environments, this can be tricky, as the time needed for bean plant growth is closely tied to when frosts end and begin.

The bean plant is an yearly plant, which means that it can renew itself for at least three growing seasons. However, many gardeners will  completely till the soil, destroying the old bean plants and sowing new each season to ensure that the bean plant growth cycle avoids frost from harming their crops.

For more information visit Common Plant Names


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hardy Desert Plants

Despite common belief there are many varieties of desert plants that live in arid conditions. These plants are strong, surviving on little water, a great deal of light, and conditions that would wilt or kill most living things. However, just because these plants can survive in a terrain many creatures cannot, desert plants do not necessarily make good house plants.

However, those who manage to raise desert plants indoors get the rewarding experience of nurturing a type of plant that many people do not usually get to see up close. These plants can serve as conversation starters, as well as adding a unique atmosphere to your home.

For those interested in such an opportunity, there are several important things that you need to keep in mind. Plants like the Apache Plume, the Arizona Poppy and the Blue Phacelia require a great deal of sunlight and warmth. While they can survive the cold spikes of the desert night, these plants need conditions that mimic the desert in order to live. If you intend to keep any one of these flowers in your dwelling, you should take care to provide them a great deal of light and be wary of over-watering them.

When you think of desert plants, the most common desert plant to come to mind is the cactus. Wild cacti can grow to many feet tall, and usually do not survive home life very well. Many require special greenhouses with artificial lighting to live. Don't be concerned, there are cactus species that can be grown indoors for your enjoyment. These include the Acanthocalycium klimpelianum, the Acanthocalycium spiniflorum, the Acanthocalycium thionanthum v. variiflorum and the Acanthocalycium violaceum, as well as a few other varieties. All of these cacti tend to be tiny, round in shape, and have one or many blossoms at the top of the plant.

Like desert wildflowers, cacti require tender care in order to survive. Unlike common belief, you cannot just forget your cactus and water it infrequently. They need a certain amount of exposure to the sun, and planned feeding. Without this, your cacti will wilt and die. Cacti are among some of the most challenging plants to keep in a home, so you will need to approach their care with caution.

Should you follow the few rules of desert plants – scheduled watering, proper temperatures and exposure to sunlight – you will be able to enjoy your plants for years to come.

To find additional information on landscaping and plants visit Life Cycle Of The Bean Plant

Core Aeration - The Key to Giving Your Lawn Life

Water, nutrients, and air are critical to the health of the root systems of your grass. In highly compacted soil, however, they can have a hard time getting to the roots. Likewise, thatching is another typical lawn problem that can possibly end up choking the life out of your grass. If either of these circumstances persist, the oxygen and moisture will gradually get forced out of the soil. The plants and grasses in your garden will become increasingly frailer as they begin to starve and eventually they will whither and die.

Even in the best of circumstances, with you giving your lawn the best care, it's inevitable that at some point in time your lawn will become more compacted. yards are constantly trampled on by people, animals, equipment, and so on. Over the years, unless something is done, naturally the soil will become more compacted and hard.

You have two main options open to you, if you want to improve the situation. As part of your fall lawncare, you can till the lawn which, even in a small lawn, will probably be a big job. Alternatively, you can utilize a lawn aerator to make enough air pockets in your soil that will allow nutrients to reach the grass and plant roots.

Core aeration is an intensive method of breaking up and creating air pockets your soil. It makes deep, finger sized holes in your turf, in the process breaking through the thatching and breaking up the soil. Core aeration is one of the most natural and beneficial things you can do for your lawn to give it additional air space and ensure that it remains healthy.

If you have a small yard, then a manual aerator will do just fine. Or, if you also want to get a good physical workout, you can invest in a pair of yard aerator sandals. These are simply sandals with spikes on the bottom so that as you walk around your yard or garden, you simultaneously poke holes in it. Of, if you don't want to do it yourself, get a pair for your children. They'll love it. But any spiky type of shoes will do - even spiked golf shoes.

If, however, you have a huge yard, you should seriously consider visiting your local garden center and either renting or buying an engine powered aerator.

But, buying or renting a garden aerator is not your sole choice. Many lawn care services already have aeration equipment and will be more than happy to provide this service for you. In fact, core lawn aeration is becoming so popular that many lawn care services offer it as a regular part of their maintenance plans. If the price is right, you may get more value for your money by going this route. Simply check with your neighbors and local garden equipment supply shop for references.

Companies that provide lawn care products are not remaining static. For the really lazy gardener, and in what sounds too good to be true, some companies have come up with spray-on lawn products that they claim will aerate and dethatch your lawn with no physical effort on your part what so ever.

Whichever route you end up taking, realize that periodically giving your lawn a good airing out, will not only improve its appearance but will help to keep it healthy for years to come.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Fast Growth Rate Of Bamboo Plants

Bamboo Plant Video

Bamboo plants are among the world's most useful and versatile plant. Unlike trees, bamboo grows at an fast rate of up to 2 inches per hour. This makes it the world's quickest growing plant. In some cases, the bamboo plant can grow up to 4 meters in a day.

Despite common belief, bamboo plants are not trees. In fact, they are evergreen grasses. These grasses are divided into 91 unique genera, with over 1,000 species currently known. As different species can be used for different things, this variety helps to make certain of the lasting survival of this plant.

This fast growing rate makes bamboo plants invaluable in eastern regions such as India, China and Japan. As the bamboo plants can be used as food, wood and fuel, the fast growing rate makes this renewable resource a cornerstone of those societies. As bamboo, when properly treated, can be extremely durable and long lasting, it provides an easy solution to many problems.

One of the well known uses of bamboo plants is their cultivation as wood. In construction, bamboo can create massive, secure scaffoldings, provide a base wood over slower growing trees, and provide ornamental value to both the interior and exterior of homes. Other uses of bamboo wood include tools such as durable cutting boards, chop sticks, tables and other pieces of furniture as well as components in popular games such as go.

When bamboo plants are just sprouting, the shoots can be eaten from many different varieties. However, not all types of bamboo shoots should be consumed. For example, several species like the giant bamboo contains cyanide within the shoots. Cyanide can be lethal to people.

Many types of animals thrive by consuming bamboo. Most notably is the panda, which only eats bamboo stalks and leaves.

Although bamboo serves many purposes in society, bamboo plants do not come without problems. Still unknown why, bamboo plants, tend to have mass flowering and fruiting seasons. Most notably in the Bay of Bengal, where the bamboo plants bloom once every 30 to 35 years. This mass blooming and fruiting cases dire problems to human populations surrounding the bloom. As the fruit falls to the ground, rats swarm. As the rats gather in mass, they can cause economic and health problems to people. This can lead to many human deaths, as there is little that can be done to stop the fruiting once it has begun. There is not much that can be done, as~As the bamboo populations require the blooming season for survival, they cannot be simply destroyed to prevent the rat swarms.

Bamboo is a hardy plant and can grow in many areas across the world. They are most commonly found in East Asia, although they can mature in sub-Saharan Africa, North and South America. Bamboo does not survive in Europe, North Africa, western Asia, Canada and Antarctica.

To get more info on landscaping and plants go to Desert Landscaping Plants


Monday, December 1, 2008

Earthworms and How They Help Your Lawn

If you're tired of using man made chemical fertilizers and poisons to improve the condition of your lawn, maybe you should take a look at one of nature's oldest and most enduring soil conditioners - earthworms.

Earthworms have been on the planet for centuries and act as a natural control to other lawn pests and micro-organisms. Not only are they good for the soil, but their very presence indicates that the soil is healthy. If you find no earthworms in your soil, you literally may not have healthy soil.

Earthworms also help to aerate your soil which is important to the root systems of plants. If your soil is too dense, water and nutrients will have trouble reaching the root systems of your grass or other plants and will lead to them starving or traveling to the surface, which is not good. Aeration has a plethora of benefits to the soil. It helps to reduce and eliminate thatching. It reduces water runoff and improves soil drainage. Aeration helps to loosen compacted soil, especially soil that has a heavy percentage of clay, allowing the soil to "breathe."

It's unlikely that you'll see earthworms during the day. They hate the daylight, probably from eons of experience being eaten by early morning birds. They love the dark and that is where you'll most likely find them on the surface. They also seek the surface after long periods of rain where they may come to the surface for air.

If you want to drive all the earthworms to your neighbor's lawn, then use a chemical fertilizer that has a high percentage of nitrogen. Large amounts of nitrogen tend to make the soil acidic which earthworms do not like. If the soil becomes too acidic, your friendly earthworms will seek greener pastures elsewhere.

if you are into diy lawncare (i.e., you do your own lawn work) and you want to help your earthworm friends, leave your lawn clippings on the lawn when you cut it. The grass clippings contain natural levels of nitrogen, which is good for the soil. In addition, lawn clippings are a good source of food for earthworms.

Many chemical fertilizers have trifluralin as an active ingredient. Trifluralin is a suspected carcinogen which the EPA put under special review in the early eighties because of the presence of a contaminant that had been shown to cause tumors in animals. If you use chemical fertilizers on your soil, you are possibly putting the health of your lawn's earthworms in danger.

Eliminating poisons has other benefits as well. Domesticated dogs and cats often chew on grass, dandelions, and other plants in the garden. If the lawn and plants have been treated with pesticides, your pets are also eating pesticides. In the best case, they will not be harmed. But depending on the levels of pesticides used, they could end up with an upset stomach or worse, they could be seriously poisoned. The same applies to your kids if they play on the lawn and put things in their mouth as young kids will often do.

With these this in mind, even though the use of chemical fertilizers is often a much easier way of keeping your lawn looking good, you have ask yourself if it's worth it. If, however, you are willing to try natural means of lawn care, you may find that the lowly earthworm is your lawn's new best friend.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Medicinal Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe Vera Plant Video


A common medicinal herb, the aloe vera plant is frequently used in many households around the world. Unique to many domesticated plants, the aloe vera plant no longer thrives in the wild. It is currently only known to live in captivity or cultivated by people for commercial use. This alone makes the aloe vera different in the world of environmental sciences.

The Aloe vera plant is believed to have many properties, ranging from the soothing of burns, the promotion of faster healing to the treatment of diabetes. Because of the special compounds in the plant, including acetylated mannans, polymannans, anthraquinone C-glycosides, anthrones and anthraquinones and lectins, aloe tends to be added to a broad range of products to entice users to purchase them.

The aloe vera plant is a succulent plant, which thrives in zones 8-10. It is suitable as an ornamental plant for low-water gardens, as well as indoors. Aloe does not tolerate snow or frost, dying under such conditions. If you want to keep aloe in chilly, it must be kept indoors or in a greenhouse to prevent frost from killing it. Being a succulent, the aloe vera plant resembles cacti and other common desert plants. As it is suited for dry climates, the exposure to too much water will cause the death of this plant. The aloe plant should not be watered until its soil has gone dry, making it one of the easiest plants to tend, so long as you pay attention to the soil. The soil used for potted aloe vera should be compatible with good drainage, as too much sitting water will cause root rot.

When grown at home, the aloe vera plant is typically used as a topical treatment for burns and cuts. Studies are conflicked on aloe vera affects the rate of healing. There are some indicators that  the rate of healing may be dependent on the type and depth of the burn, and how it is bandaged.Some data state that the healing rate is slowed from aloe vera. Aloe vera may also be digested as a general cure.

Despite the lack of scientific proof on the increased healing and other properties of aloe vera, it has gained a good reputation by the average individual, granting the aloe vera plant a place in shampoos, lotions, soaps and a wide range of cosmetics. However, the gains garnered from the presence of aloe in these products is based on belief, not on concrete proof.

The aloe vera plant is believed to have once come from in Africa, with cousins of the aloe vera plant still living to date. There are references to aloe in the bible, which makes it one of the oldest documented species of plants known.

More ideas on outdoor landscaping and plants will be found here Plant Life Cycle

Make The Landscape Unique For All Your Family To Enjoy

If you want to do something new and fresh with the landscape design that surrounds your home and garden, then you might be tempted to immediately call for professional help. But, the reality is that no one is as well-suited as you are when it comes to designing the lawn and garden spaces that you and your family will use and enjoy. The fact is that the best landscape plans always begin with the needs and the preferences of the homeowner and the family.

If you are planning to improve the landscaping around your home, then the best thing you can do is gather everyone around who enjoys using the lawns and the gardens and have a brainstorming session. Have everyone feel free to throw out their ideas no matter how off-the-wall or unrealistic they may seem. Sometimes those "out there" ideas are the ones that will inspire the whole direction of the landscaping design project.

Getting the landscape plans off to a start with this kind of brainstorming session will end up yielding some innovative and insightful ways for the whole family to enjoy the outdoor spaces together. Soon you will have a new landscaping plan that will add beauty to your property and provide for function and fun for the family as well.

Of course, there are always situations when it is difficult for a family, especially one that has members with strong opinions, to come to an agreement about the best way to approach the project. In these kinds of cases you can always look to professionals to help finalize your ideas. Landscape architects and landscape contractors can provide wonderful resources, helpful and creative ideas for your landscaping concept, and can often help families find compromising solutions, if there's a disagreement over the plans for the garden or yard.

But, even if you end up needing to call on the services of a professional to help with the landscaping overhaul of your home and garden, your brainstorming session will not be time wasted. Often the ideas that are generated will be a good springboard for the professional landscaper or contractor. And, the suggestions that come up will help the professional designer to get a good sense of what is most important to the family, with regard to the overall use and design of their garden landscaping.

Given the chance, all members of the family can contribute valuable insights and ideas for the landscape that surrounds the home. These ideas will result in a design that will be unique to your property and family and will create a place for making special family memories. And, as a bonus everyone involved in contributing their thoughts will feel a sense of ownership and pride in a job well done.

No building is complete without some grass, a few plants and some shrubbery to help enhance the quality of the building. The enhanced curb appeal as well as the added value can make the final difference when selling a home or adding to the over all value of the house. Any small amounts help and you don't have to always use a professional to complete the landscaping for you. There is no downside to get some advice from professionals or some knowledge prior to you beginning tearing up your front yard. A few trees, some nice green grass and you will have it down pat before you know it. Who knows? Possibly you will consider it as a career that you may be curious in pursuing. Below there are some basic frequently asked questions of landscaping so that you can get some idea of how landscaping is completed and how it might be simpler than you may think.


Can I do my own landscaping?

Yes, you can do your own landscaping if you have a small amount of information on how to do it and if have the time to do so. You will be getting your hands dirty. Plus you will need to have knowledge of what plants are the best for your terrain. If you are making structures that are man-made such as ponds or decks, you will needs to have some carpentry and plumbing skills. You will also need to know how to maintain the pond since one of the last things you need after putting in all that work is to develop a body of water filled with algae as well as moquito larvae.


Perennials and annuals - What makes them different?

Both are, certainly, plants but the difference is in how long they last and how often you need to plant them again. Annuals must be replanted eash year. Examples of annuals are any type of vegetable, sunflowers and flowers such as violets. Perennials are plants that will renew themselves. Some examples would be trees, bulb plants such as lilies, tulips and also include roses and other hardy plants that go dormant during the winter months. Most grasses which are ornamental are thought to be perennials.


How do I decide which type to plant?

The kind of plant you select will be dependent on your climate and the amount of water you want to use. It will also be dependent on the amount of sun your yard gets throughout the day. Some plants thrive in the shade while others will wilt. For those individuals who reside in drought prone areas, they should consider planting plants that are hardy which require little water and actually help preserve the soil from eroding. Many people elect to have rock gardens as well as cactus if they happen to live in desert climates.


When is the ideal planting season?

The ideal planting season is dependent upon what variation of plant you want to grow. Bulbs are best planted in the fall so that they have the necessary time to root within the soil. Other types of plants are best suited to planting during the spring months. There are some plants will not produce flowers or fruits until one or two seasons later so you have to prepare for this. Trees will have to go through several years prior to them becoming substantial enough to give adequate shade or to produce fruit.


Will it increase the value and curb appeal of my home?

A great lawn can add tremendous curb appeal and value to your home. It will make the features of your home stand out and if you are looking to sell your home, it is one of the first details that potential buyers will notice. There is nothing quite like a well manicured lawn and carefully trimmed hedges that add immense immediate value to a property.

To learn further informative content go here Landscaping Ideas also Landscape Drawings and How To Choose The Right Landscaping Trees

Friday, November 28, 2008

Beautify Your Landscaping Through Garden Landscape Furniture

How to Pick Garden Decorations - How to Add Garden Furniture

One very important part of most landscape designs is the garden furniture that is used in the garden and lawn areas around the home. Including outdoor furnishings in a landscaping plan is a terrific way to create special places in your garden where the family and your guests can gather comfortably, to relax and enjoy the beauty of the surroundings. In addition, the outdoor furnishings will make people feel drawn to special sitting areas so they will be more inclined to make use of and appreciate your landscaping efforts.

A good landscape design not only creates beautiful surroundings, but the most beneficial landscaping concepts carve out additional living space that extends the effective square footage of a home. Depending on the size of your land and the actual design of the landscape, these outdoor living spaces can sometimes double the area people have for gatherings of friends and family. The seating arrangements make a huge difference in how well these spaces are ultimately used and how you guests will enjoy your efforts at entertaining out of doors.

The variety of outdoor furniture that is available these days is almost limitless. You can choose from styles that are very informal and casual or select from styles that reflect formality and sophistication, and just about anything in between. Outdoor furnishings are also available in many different materials such as aluminum or teak.

When selecting garden furnishings, some people like to choose styles, colors and textures that blend in and reflect the overall design of the landscaping around their home. This approach tends to create a harmonious blend that helps people relax and feel more drawn into the garden surroundings. Greens, browns and the more muted tones of nature are popular for those who like to create a gentle flow between their garden design and the furnishings they add.

Other homeowners enjoy furnishings for the garden that pop out and get attention. Often the colors are bright and the designs are bold and not meant to blend into the natural background. The pieces usually have an artistic feel and are meant to make a statement and sometimes reflect the personality of the homeowner. These kinds of choices in outdoor furnishings will create a lively atmosphere for fun and frivolity.

Another approach that some people take for their outdoor living spaces is to make you feel as though the patio or the garden you have just stepped into is simply a continuation of the interior living space. This is achieved by choosing styles, colors and fabrics that very closely emulate the furnishings inside the house. Many people like this approach as it can trick the eye and make both the home and garden spaces seem larger as they flow together seamlessly.

In addition to properly setting up your outdoor living spaces with wonderful garden furniture, you want to be sure that you don't neglect good lighting for the space. Landscape lighting is a wonderful way to further add ambiance and charm to your outdoor living areas, not to mention it is essential if you will be entertaining after sunset.

No realestate is finished without some type of grass, as well as some forms of shruberry to help enhance the overall quality of the building. The enhanced curb appeal as well as the added value can make the final difference when selling a home or adding to the over all value of the house. Any little bit helps and you do not always need a professional to do the landscaping for you. It never hurts to have some professional advice or a little bit of knowledge before you start ripping up your front yard, though. Some trees, some pleasant green grass, and you will get it down pat before you know it Who knows? Maybe you will decide it as a career that you may be interested in following. The following are some of the frequently asked question people have for landscaping so that you can have an idea of how landscaping is done and how it can be easier than you might think.


When should I hire a landscaper?

You should employ a landscaper if you do not have a a special ability to make plants grow and you are not going to have the time to devote to removing the old planting as well as landscaping the new. There are specific steps that must be put into place to stop soil erosion so it will need at a minimum a weekend of challenging work. Landscaper's are not cheap but you can find one at a sensible cost depending on how prominent the area is and how much labor you mean to complete yourself. If you are going to maintain the area, you will save money as well.


If I decide to landscape my house myself, what are the various designs and conceptions to help me?

There are many software programs that are on the market at present that can help you create your own landscape. You will have to input the shape of your yard and then select from the kind of terrain and climate you live in. The software can give you suggested plants as well as shrubbery that is best fitted for your yard. If you want manmade terrains or structures, you will wish to confer a carpenter for ideas or a do-it-yourself website on the internet for instructions.


How do I decide which type to plant?

The kind of plant you select will depend on your climate and how much you want to water. It will also depend on the amount of sun your yard gets during the day. Some plants thrive in the shade while others will wilt. For those people who reside in areas that are prone to drought, they should think about planting plants that are hardy that need little water and really help conserve the soil from process of erosion. Many people elect to have rock gardens and cactus if they live in desert climates.


At what time is the ideal season for planting?

The ideal planting season depends on what kind of plant you want to grow. Bulbs are best planted in the fall so that they have time to root. Other plants are best suited to planting during the spring months. Some plants will not produce flowers or fruits for one or two seasons later so you need to prepare for this. Trees will need to go through several years prior to them becoming substantial enough to provide adequate shade or produce fruit.


Will do this type of landscaping add to the value of my home as well as it's curb appeal?

A great lawn can add tremendous curb appeal and value to your home. The overall effect is that it will make the features of your house stand out and if you have intentions of selling your home, one of the first details that possible buyers will see if the landscaping. There is nothing quite like a well manicured lawn and carefully trimmed hedges that add immense immediate value to a property.

To discover additional information head on over to Landscape Designs and more information at Landscape Designer and certainly try Pool Landscaping

Maintaining Your Lawn Garden

When it comes to making sure that the landscape around your home stays in top condition, one of the key items to take care of is the lawn garden area. It is important that proper maintenance is done to keep the back and front lawn, and the garden healthy and looking good because in most cases, the lawn is the largest and most visible aspect of a property.

Watering the lawn and garden is one of the most important parts of good lawn maintenance. In some parts of the country, there is enough rainfall so that the roots are properly supplied with moisture. But even in what would be considered soggy areas, such as the Pacific Northwest, there are periods or dry weather and no rain. When this happens, it is vital to the survival of the lawns that they be properly watered.

The first sign of an impending drought condition of the lawn garden area of your landscaping is a change in color. The grass in lawns that are suffering from insufficient moisture will start to lose their intense greenness and will soon turn to a straw color, or even brown if the lack of moisture persists.

The best time of day to water a lawn or garden is during the coolest part of the day. This means that turning on the lawn sprinkler early in the morning or in the evening after the sun has set is best. Garden lawn experts also say that the rotary sprinklers provide the best coverage if you don't have a built in sprinkler system for your lawn maintenance.

In most cases, it is best to water your lawn just once a week, unless the weather is extremely hot or dry. When doing your weekly watering, you can place an empty tuna can on the grass and let the water run until it is filled up. This will help you know when you have watered enough to give the deep roots enough moisture without over watering. Watering in this way will also help your lawns develop a deep root system which will also help them survive periods of drought.

Another aspect of lawn and garden maintenance is proper fertilization and weed control. Good basic maintenance techniques will go a long way in keeping the lawns of your home and garden healthy, thriving and with few weeds. Spring is the best time to fertilize lawns as this is when the grass is "waking up" and will need the extra nutrients from the fertilizer to assure healthy growth. The best garden lawn fertilizers will have a combination of nitrogen, phosphates and potash.

Often, it is very beneficial to do another round of fertilization of your lawn garden in the summer months to give your lawns a better chance of gaining the nutrients that will make them hearty. Using a fertilizer that also contains some weed killer can also reduce your work by keeping the weeds in check. This combination of a well-fed lawn and a light herbicide will control most of the weed problems so that you can enjoy your home, gardens and lawns with your friends and family.

No realestate is finished without some type of grass, as well as some forms of shruberry to help enhance the overall quality of the building. The enhanced curb appeal as well as the added value can make the final difference when selling a home or adding to the over all value of the house. Any small amounts help and you don't have to always use a professional to complete the landscaping for you. It never hurts to have some professional advice or a little bit of knowledge before you start ripping up your front yard, though. Some trees, some pleasant green grass, and you will get it down pat before you know it Who knows? Possibly you will decide it as a career that you may be interested in following. Below there are some basic frequently asked questions of landscaping so that you can get some idea of how landscaping is completed and how it might be simpler than you may think.


At what point should I hire a landscaper?

You should employ a landscaper if you do not have a "green thumb" and you are not going to have the time to devote to getting rid of the old planting as well as landscaping the new. There are specific steps that must be put into place to prevent the erosion of soil so it will require at a minimum a weekend of challenging work. Landscaper's are not low cost but you can find one at a reasonable cost depending on how extensive the area is and how much labor you intend to do yourself. If you are going to upkeep the area, you will spend less money as well.

Perennials and annuals - What makes them different?

Both are, of course, plants although the variation is in how long they last and how often you are required to replant them. Annuals must be replanted eash year. Some examples of annuals are any type of vegetable, sunflowers as well as flowers such as violets. Perennials are plants that will regenerate themselves. They include trees, bulb plants such as lilies, tulips and include roses as well as other hardy plants that go dormant during the winter months. The majority of grasses which are ornamental are considered to be perennials.

How do I decide which type to plant?

The kind of plant you choose will be dependent on your environmental condition and the amount of water you want to use. It will also depend on the amount of sun your yard receives throughout the day. Some plants thrive in the shade when others will wilt. For those people who live in areas that are prone to drought, they should think about planting plants that are hardy that require little water and actually help to conserve the soil from process of erosion. Many people choose to have rock gardens and cactus if they happen to live in desert environments.

At what time is the ideal season for planting?

The ideal planting season depends on what variation of plant you wish to grow. The best time to plany bulbs is in the fall so that they have time to root. Other types of plants are more suitable to planting in the months of the spring. Some plants will not produce flowers or fruits until one or two seasons later so you need to prepare for this. Trees will need to work through several years before they become substantial enough to furnish enough shade or create fruit.

What will be the cost be to have my home landscaped?


Without knowing how large your yard is, what condition the ground is and what type of plants you want to place in your yard it is impossible to estimate how much it will cost. You can take a general guess that it will be at least five hundred dollars and can quickly go upwards of several thousand dollars for exotic plants and intricate features. A landscaper can give you an estimate for the cost.

For further educational knowledge click here: Landscape Drawings also City Landscape also click here How To Choose The Right Landscaping Trees

Using Design Landscaping Helps To Enhance Homes, and Increases Value

Landscaping Ideas and Tips : Adding Mosaic Stone Interest Pieces to your Landscape Design

When people arrive at your home, it is almost always the design landscaping that surrounds your home and defines your garden areas that give people the first impression of your property. The landscape design that you use is one of the most important factors is determining how your visitors will feel when they arrive at your residence. In addition, the landscaping around your home will also have a considerable impact on the overall value of your house and property.

There are many ways that you can improve the landscaping around your home. Some people worry that to improve their landscape design properly, they need to hire landscape architects or landscape contractors. This can be wonderful if you can afford it, but many people very successfully undertake the landscaping design for their homes on their own.

If you would rather do your design landscaping yourself rather than hiring a professional, then the first step is to learn the basics of landscape design. Good design is actually quite simple if you know and follow the four following principles. Combine these landscaping principles with your own tastes and preferences and you will quickly be able to create a plan for your home and garden exteriors that will be a reflection of you.

The first element of landscaping is the concept of balance. If you concentrate most of your new plants in one area, then the rest of your garden landscaping area will look rather neglected. Distribute the plants around the yard or the garden at least somewhat evenly and with a sense of flow. This will help draw the eye though the entire landscape design and engage your visitors.

The second aspect of great landscaping is proportion. The idea here is to make sure that any landscape design feature you choose fits in appropriately, in terms of size, to the surrounding areas, fixtures and structures. Trying to wedge an huge gazebo into a tiny back yard will end up looking almost comical, and will not provide a great effect. At the same time, if you have an enormous front lawn, then you will need to add larger elements in plantings or features that will be noticed and not overwhelmed.

Transition is the third principle you need to know for your landscaping project and is closely related to proportion. Even though your landscape design can include flowers, plants, large shrubs, bushes and even trees, the way to make them really work together in a beautiful way is with the use of transition. It is the smooth flow from one type and size of plant to another. You want to lead the eye from delicate plants to larger ones with some in-between sizes. Color transitions can also be a very effective aspect of your overall landscaping design plan.

The last of the four concepts of landscaping is unity and it is the ultimate sense that you are trying to express with your design. All of the choices that you make in how you balance, proportion, and transition the various colors, sizes and textures of your landscape elements should be governed by a unifying theme. This is what brings the landscape design together to work in harmony and create a spectacular home and garden.

One thing that can make design landscaping easy and also cohesive is to decide on a theme and then be sure to stay true to that theme. Having an idea can help make decisions easier when it comes time to add plants, furnishings, or accent pieces to your landscape.

No building is complete without some grass, a few plants and some shrubbery to help enhance the quality of the building. The enhanced curb appeal as well as the added value can make the final difference when selling a home or adding to the over all value of the house. Any small amounts help and you don't have to always use a professional to complete the landscaping for you. There is no downside to get some advice from professionals or some knowledge prior to you beginning tearing up your front yard. A few trees, some nice green grass and you will have it down pat before you know it. Who knows? Maybe you will decide it as a line of work that you may be interested in following. The following are some of the frequently asked question people have for landscaping so that you can have an idea of how landscaping is done and how it can be easier than you might think.

What is landscaping?

Any type of alteration of the land is known as Landscaping. It can be through a variety of means. It could be through the utilization of flora. It may be through the use of fauna. There are different techniques of landscaping and the forms of landscaping used often are dependent on what kind of environmental condition the area is located. Landscaping also refers to natural structures and manmade structures such as terraces, decks, platforms and seating areas. Ponds and waterfalls can be natural or manmade depending on the terrain. So that you can save money numerous people choose to take advantage of as many of the natural characteristics of the area as possible.

What is the difference between annuals and perennials?

Both are, certainly, plants but the variation is in the time span in which they last and how frequently you are required to replant them. Annuals must be replanted every year. Some examples of annuals are any kind of vegetable, sunflowers and flowers such as violets. Perennials are plants that will regenerate themselves. They include trees, bulb plants such as lilies, tulips and also include roses as well as other hardy plants that go dormant during the winter months. Most ornamental grasses are thought to be perennials.

How do I decide which type to plant?

The type of plant you select will be dependent on your climate and how much you want to water. It will also be dependent on the amount of sun that your gets throughout the day. Some plants flourush in the shade while others will wilt. For those individuals who reside in drought prone areas, they should consider planting hardy plants that need small amounts of water and really help preserve the soil from erosion. Numerous people elect to have rock gardens and cactus if they happen to live in desert environments.

When is the ideal planting season?

The ideal planting season depends on what kind of plant you wish to grow. The best time to plany bulbs is in the fall so that they have the necessary time to root. Other types of plants are best suited to planting in the months of the spring. Some plants will not produce flowers or fruits until one or two seasons later so you need to get ready for this. Trees will have to work through several years before they become big enough to give enough shade or produce fruit.

Will it increase the value and curb appeal of my home?

A great lawn can add tremendous curb appeal and value to your home. The overall effect is that it will make the features of your house stand out and if you have intentions of selling your home, one of the first details that possible buyers will see if the landscaping. There is nothing quite like a well manicured lawn and carefully trimmed hedges that add immense immediate value to a property.

To find out additional information Landscape Drainage also Landscape Patio Design and go to Landscaping Ideas

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Enhance Your Homes Curb Appeal With Tips for the Lawn

Almost everybody is familiar with the idea of what "curb appeal" is in reference to how someone makes a snap judgment about your home by how it appears. It takes only a moment for someone to decide if your home meets their standards based only on what they see from the outside. Making sure that the lawn is well-maintained is one of the simplest ways to make sure the curb appeal of your home makes people feel welcomed.

While that can sound easy enough, sometimes getting the back and front lawn to look beautiful, immaculate and attractive can be a daunting task, especially if there have been some problems with the health of your lawn recently. Below is a collection of lawn care tips and suggestions that can help you cultivate a lawn that draws people to your home, welcomes them, and gives your curb appeal a real boost.

Tip One: Learn about the condition of the lawn soil. It is easy to get the soil tested. Just contact the agriculture extension agency in your town. This simple test will be able to quickly identify the components of your soil and will report anything that is lacking so you can remedy the problem.

Tip Two: Have a regular lawn maintenance routine that includes fertilizing three to five times every year. Make sure this is done on a regular schedule and is the right kind of food for the grass in your garden lawn. The extension agency can also help you with information in this regard as it relates to your local area.

Tip Three: When undertaking lawn mowing during the heat of the summer, cut it at the maximum height your lawn mower allows. This helps keep the grass from drying out as fast and even provides shade to the ground which helps prevent the loss of moisture. This will help conserve water and it will also help the lawns to crowd the weeds out. During the cooler and wetter times of the year you can set the lawn mower to cut lower according to your preferences.

Tip Four: Water about one to one-and-a-half inches once a week. When you water briefly every day, you are encouraging your lawn to develop a shallow root system. Watering only once a week helps develop nice deep roots which can better withstand hot, dry summer weather.

Tip Five: Aerate at least once or twice every year. This also helps promote lawns with deep root systems and helps the water and lawn food to get past the surface and down to the roots where it does the most good. Aerating also helps undo the effects of soil compacting, which is a particular problem if you use a riding lawn mower to help with your lawn maintenance.

Tip Six: Keep the blades of the mower good and sharp. Dull blades actually rip the ends of the grass blades and cause a ragged look and contribute to browning at the ends. Also, you should do your lawn mowing in different directions each time you mow. This helps avoid ruts and soil compaction problems.

Tip Seven: Watch for signs of dead areas. Such dead patches can be an indication of an insect problem or disease that is attacking your home and garden lawns. When you see this, you should not treat the problem until you know the cause. Your local extension agency will be a great help in this case also.

Tip Eight: Control weeds with the use of quality herbicides. You can do this separately or look for a fertilizer that also contains weed control components.

These tips should provide you with enough information to be able to improve the look of the lawn that graces your home and garden. Keeping your lawn in good shape will most definitely help the curb appeal of your home and will help you get more use and enjoyment from it as well.

No building is complete without some grass, a few plants and some shrubbery to help enhance the quality of the building. The added value of curb appeal can make the difference when selling a house or increasing the value of a home. Any small amounts help and you don't have to always use a professional to complete the landscaping for you. It never hurts to have some professional advice or a little bit of knowledge before you start ripping up your front yard, though. A few trees, some nice green grass and you will have it down pat before you know it. Who knows? Possibly you will decide it as a career that you may be interested in pursuing. Below there are some basic frequently asked questions of landscaping so that you can get some idea of how landscaping is completed and how it might be simpler than you may think.


At what point should I hire a landscaper?

You should employ a landscaper if you don't have a a special ability to make plants grow and you are not going to have the necessary time to devote to removing the old landscape and planting the new. There are specific steps that must be put into place to prevent soil erosion so it will require at a minimum a weekend of hard work. Landscaper's are not cheap but you can find one at a fair cost contingent upon on how prominent the area is and how much labor you mean to do yourself. If you are going to upkeep the area, you will save money as well.


If I am resolved to do the landscaping of my house myself, what are some designs as well as ideas to assist me?

There are many software programs that are on the market at present that can help you create your own landscape. You will have to input the shape of your yard and then pick from the kind of terrain and environmental condition you live in. The software can provide you with the suggested plants as well as shrubbery that is best fitted for your yard. If you wish to have manmade terrains or structures, you will wish to contact a carpenter for suggestions or a do-it-yourself website for instructions.


Whats the best way to decide on the kind of plant to use?

The type of plant you choose will depend on your climate and the amount of water you want to use. It will also depend on the amount of sun your yard gets throughout the day. Some plants thrive in the shade while others will wilt. For those individuals who reside in areas that are prone to drought, they should consider planting hardy plants that require small amounts of water and actually help preserve the soil from process of erosion. Many people choose to have rock gardens as well as cactus if they live in desert environments.


When is the ideal planting season?

The ideal planting season is dependent upon what variation of plant you want to grow. The best time to plany bulbs is in the fall so that they have the necessary time to root within the soil. Other types of plants are more suitable to planting in the months of the spring. Some plants will not produce flowers or fruits for at least one or two seasons later so you have to prepare for this. Trees will need to work through several years prior to them becoming large enough to give the right amount of shade or to create fruit.


What will be the cost be to have my home landscaped?


Without knowing how large your yard is, what condition the ground is and what type of plants you want to place in your yard it is impossible to estimate how much it will cost. You can take a general guess that it will be at least five hundred dollars and can easily go in the range of several thousand dollars for exotic plants and features which are complex. A landscaper can give you an estimate for the cost.

To learn more educational information click here: Landscape Designs For The Southwest similarly Landscape Designs For Aroma Gardens and How To Choose The Right Landscaping Trees